How to Set Up Your Freelancer Profile

Setting up your Juuli profile is quick and straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your account is complete and ready for use:

1. Access Your Profile Settings

•Log in to your Juuli account.

•Navigate to the Settings section on the left-hand menu.

•Click on Profile Settings to open your personal information panel.

2. Complete Your Personal Information

First Name and Last Name: Ensure your full name is entered correctly.

Citizenship: Select your country of citizenship from the dropdown menu.

Website (optional): Add a link to your personal or professional website if applicable.

Phone Number: Enter your phone number, ensuring the correct country code is selected.

3. Navigate Through the Tabs

•Use the tabs at the top of the profile settings screen to add additional details:

Address: Provide your current address to ensure accurate documentation.

Invoice Settings: Add payment details or specific preferences for invoicing.

Documents: Upload any necessary documents required by Juuli (e.g., ID verification).

Bank Accounts: Link your bank account for payments and withdrawals.

Juuli Account: Manage account-specific settings like password changes.

4. Save Your Changes

•Once you’ve filled in all the required fields, click the Update button at the bottom to save your changes.

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