If a freelancer has sent an invoice to your company, which taxes is our company responsible for?

The content of the invoice and the location where the invoice is issued are important if an employee has sent you an invoice. Juuli provides B2B project planning and invoicing services. Invoicing through Juuli is conducted from Estonia, which is part of the EEA region. Therefore, the invoice you will receive is an EU-Estonia invoice.

In this context:

  • If your company is located within the EU, it should be subject to reverse tax under VAT, with a 0% rate. Your company should accept this invoice with 0% VAT and record it as an expense under these conditions.
  • If a freelancer has sent an invoice to your company located in Turkey, it is important to consider where the work in question is performed and utilized. If the work was not performed in Turkey or does not provide any benefit in Turkey, the VAT rate should be 0%. If the work is performed or utilized in Turkey, the VAT rate should be 20%.
  • If your company is located in the UK or the US, you can expense the invoice with a 0% VAT rate.


  • Juuli is a company based in Estonia, and the buyer (employer) and seller (freelancer) meet through Juuli partnership. Therefore, a seller cannot create an invoice for a company without a VAT number. Juuli has the right to verify the authenticity of the planned projects and has strict KYC&KYB/AML policies.
  • If the VAT number is not valid on the invoice generated for your company, the VAT rate of the country where your company is located will be reflected, and you may be asked for an additional payment. Please ensure the validation of your VAT number before expensing the invoice created by your employee.
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